'Affirmation Generation’: a new, must watch doco

How LGB youth are affected by a one-size-fits-all ‘gender affirmation’ model of care

'Affirmation Generation' is a feature-length documentary about the biggest medical scandal of the 21st century—gender affirmation care, and the devastating effect it is having on young people’s mental and physical health. It has just been released on Vimeo.

The documentary charts the compelling experiences of six detransitioners—Michelle, Laura, Cat, David, Joel and Abel. Each of them tells their story of gender distress, transgender medicalisation, and subsequent detransition, in a series of interviews and video diaries they have kept over the years. 

"Without diagnostic clarity or mental health evaluations, their doctors quickly affirmed them as 'transgender,' and mindlessly ushered them along the path of medical transition," the documentary producers said. 

Gender-affirming care has been accepted as the standard model in many Western countries, including Australia, where medicalisation is promoted as the standard practice pathway for medical professionals when a patient presents with gender dysmorphia.  

The documentary producers say "young people were harmed irrevocably by the doctors they trusted. 'Affirmation Generation' demonstrates how the 'one-size-fits-all' medicalisation—the 'gender-affirming care'—has failed these patients." 

The documentary examines the detransitioners' reports of their experiences through the commentary of experts who have decades of clinical practice treating gender-distressed patients.  

Participating in the documentary were psychotherapists Lisa Marchiano, Sasha Ayad, Stella O’Malley; physician-scientist Lisa Littman; endocrinologist Dr. William Malone, MD; family therapist Stephanie Winn; sociologist Dr. Michael Biggs; pediatrician Dr. Julia Mason; and others. 

‘Affirmation Generation’ has been deleted from Vimeo, under pressure from trans and gender activists.

A bitTorrent has been created to distribute the hi-resolution file. If you have a good internet connection, you can get a copy. Here is the magnet link.

Don’t know how to use bitTorrent? Don’t worry. Information is everywhere. Google ‘How to Use BitTorrent’ and the internet will have advice.

The documentary can now be viewed on YouTube ↓

The original Vimeo link no longer works … 🙄

By Justin Ian and Alia Locket, volunteer writers (with sources)  



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