LGB Alliance Australia

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Our Statement on inclusion in the GPAHE Report

Of course, GPAHE has misrepresented us, and probably intentionally. LGB Alliance Australia, and every other LGB Alliance group around the world, formed to represent the interests of lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals. That’s all.

That’s not hateful, or extreme, and it’s certainly not “far right”.  It isn’t hate speech to want to have a conversation about sex-based rights.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of gender ideologues who want to shut down the conversation by name-calling: LGB Alliance Australia isn’t going to play that game.

So, are we a far-right/extremist/hate group? These terms are used as lazy insults to silence same-sex attracted people who are resolute in their boundaries. We absolutely reject any attempt to redefine homosexuality.

We are a non-partisan, non-political advocacy group. We are not far-right extremists. In fact, most of us come from the left of the political spectrum. We are a group deeply concerned with human rights, particularly as it pertains to LGB people.

Our response to these poorly researched allegations:

We completely reject the reframing of an incident where a British MP was allegedly harassed as being organised by LGB Alliance UK. This is an intentional misrepresentation of events that has already been rehashed by GPAHE with their attack on LGB Alliance Ireland.
We absolutely do not support the forced teaming of LGB people into an undefined “+” umbrella as it attracts and allows any group or cause to attach itself. This has recently been seen in the UK in a supposed children’s charity where a paedophile sympathiser was exposed as a hidden trustee in a shocking lack of governance.

The same charity is currently under investigation for supplying chest-binding devices to minors and described as a “form of child abuse” by the Metropolitan Police. The British MP involved in the alleged harassment is a also a strong supporter of the charity.

As sexual minorities, we support the right for single-sex events organised for lesbian and bi women, as well as for gay and bi men. Such spaces foster community, present a reprieve from a heteronormative society, and provide a space free from unwanted advances by the opposite sex, which is particularly important for lesbians and gay men.

Of course lesbians are insulted and appalled when a male speaks on our behalf as a "lesbian" representative on our national broadcaster, describing "lesbian" sex with a penis. This is contrary to the very definition of lesbian: a same-sex attracted female.

We call upon GPAHE to raise their research standards and stop representing opinion as fact. The continued harassment of LGB groups around the world under the guise of combating extremism shines a light on their ideological beliefs. This thinly veiled homophobia alleges we are aligned with extremists and puts the safety of LGB people at risk.

We would encourage others to look us up and decide for themselves. We feel the sincerity of our concerns, as well as our commitment to respectful and calm discussion, speaks for itself:


A PDF version of our statement is available here.

If you are concerned about LGB rights, join us.